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Learning Technology Team

NILE Assignment Submission Guide for Ultra Courses

Information for Students

Submitting your assignment

You will find that many of your assignments are to be submitted electronically.  In most cases you will submit assignments using either Turnitin, or Blackboard assignment.  The following pages of this guide explain how to upload and submit your assignment, and how to find your feedback and provisional grades.

Worried about missing a deadline?

Due to unforeseen circumstances, you may find that there are assessment deadlines that you are unable to meet. If you find yourself in this situation, understanding what academic tools are available to you and how and when to use them will help you to manage your studies.

You can submit up to seven days late at both the first and second submission. However, please note this means your mark will be capped to a bare pass (40% for undergraduate, 50% for postgraduate). If you receive an extension, you cannot then submit after this extended deadline.

You can apply for an extension via your student portal. The usual duration of an extension will be seven days, but fourteen days is available at the first opportunity in exceptional circumstances. You can request to extend two submission deadlines a year via self-certification. Beyond this, every request needs to be accompanied by supporting evidence or a supporting statement.

You can request a deferral at the first opportunity if you need a longer amount of time in which to submit your assessment. If approved, you can submit at the second opportunity without affecting your module mark. A deferral at the second submission will not allow you a further opportunity but may affect your ability to retake the module in the next academic year. All deferrals must be accompanied by supporting evidence or a supporting statement.

Full guidance about late submissions, extensions, deferrals and mitigating circumstances is available via the link below.

Need help with your studies?

There are a number of different teams at the University of Northampton who can help you achieve your full potential. While these teams can help you if you're struggling with your studies, they are also there to help you if you're doing well but want to know how to do even better.

The main sources of academic support at the University are:

Academic Librarians

Academic Librarians can help you with:

  • using NELSON;
  • using subject specialist databases;
  • strategies for literature searching;
  • referencing.

Additional Student Support and Inclusion Services Team (ASSIST)

ASSIST provide support for students with:

  • physical impairments;
  • sensory impairments;
  • mental health difficulties;
  • medical conditions, for example epilepsy;
  • Autistic spectrum disorders;
  • specific learning difficulties, for example dyslexia.

Learning Development

Learning Development can help you with:

  • essay writing;
  • critical analysis;
  • presentation skills;
  • time management;
  • revision and exam techniques;
  • maths skills and support.

Student Support and Advice

The Student Support and Advice team can help you with:

  • ​mitigating circumstances;
  • course transfer;
  • restarts (on the same or different courses);
  • study breaks;
  • course withdrawal;
  • change of study mode;
  • module repeats;
  • progression;
  • ​life events, such as bereavement or relationship breakdown;
  • change of circumstances such as loss of income or illness;
  • struggling on your course;
  • thinking of leaving the University​.

More sources of help and support

As well as the academic support services mentioned above, you can also get help and support from the following places at the University:

If you require assistance with NILE, please contact LearnTech Support using the NILE Enquiry Form

If you require assistance with PebblePad, please contact PebblePad Support using the PebblePad Contact Form