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Fire Safety: Home

Immediate actions on discovering a fire

Any person discovering a Fire shall:

  • operate the nearest Fire Alarm call point
  • extinguish the fire if trained and safe to do so
  • leave the building immediately by the closest available fire exit
  • close windows and doors behind them
  • comply with all directions given by Emergency Wardens
  • proceed to the Assembly Point for the building
  • remain outside the building until the responsible person gives the all clear.


Immediate actions on hearing the fire alarm

On hearing the Fire Alarm, building occupants shall:

  • leave the building immediately by the closest available fire exit
  • close windows and doors behind them
  • comply with all directions given by Emergency Wardens
  • proceed to the Assembly Point for the building
  • remain outside the building until the responsible person gives the all clear.


Can I be a Fire Warden?

If you are interested in being fully trained to be a fire warden you can use our question form or email us at and we will make the arrangements.

Do you have Evacuation Chairs?

Evacuation chairs are sited throughout our buildings, the security team are fully trained to use them.

Alarms and Drills

The fire alarm is tested weekly on a Thursday by the Maintenance Services Team.

If the alarm stops mid evacuation, please continue to evacuate.

Planned fire evacuations are undertaken bi annually for academic and residential buildings, these are not announced to ensure compliance with the fire evacuation policy.

Fire Assembly Points (Maps and Lists)

  1. The North West Lawn of the Creative Hub
  2. Nene Square in front of the Creative Hub
  3. Waterside Place, the area between the river and the Learning Hub
  4.  Delapre Lawn, on Delapre Walk outside the Learning Hub
  5. Senate Walk, the path between the Senate and Learning Hub buildings
  6. Delapre Square, between the Sunley Hotel and the Learning Hub
  7. Senate Square, on the University Drive side of the Senate building
  8. Car Park 2, next to the Engine Shed
  9. Car Park 1, next to the Energy Centre
  10. North entrance of the Logistics Hub (Weston Power Distribution entrance)
  11. Riverside Meadow, in front of the Sports Hall, Sports Science and the Sports Pavillion
  12. Car park 3, on Park Avenue, next to the town houses
  13. Car park 4, evacuation from; town houses of north of Park Avenue, town houses 1 - 3 Village Way, John Clare Halls, Charles Bradlaugh Halls, Francis Crick Halls, and Margaret Bondfield Halls.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)

PEEPs will be required if a student or member of staff cannot hear or react to a fire alarm activation or cannot leave the building by their own means in a reasonable time to reach a place of safety. This requirement also includes individuals with temporary impairments such as injuries.

Responsibilities for completing PEEPs are as follows:

Line management, supported by the Health and Safety Team as required, are responsible for:

  • Pregnancy risk assessments for new and expectant staff members
  • PEEPs for temporary impairments for members of staff
  • PEEPs for long-term or permanent impairments to members of staff

The faculty, i.e., academic supervision, are responsible for:

  • Pregnancy risk assessments for new and expectant students
  • PEEPs for temporary impairments to students

ASSIST are responsible for PEEPs for students in halls and academic buildings who come within the scope of the Equality Act

Residential Life are responsible for completing PEEPs for students in halls with temporary disablements or disabilities outside the scope of the Equality Act.

PEEPs for visitors are the responsibility of the host.   

PEEPs should be regularly reviewed to ensure they remain relevant and appropriate to the needs of the individual.

Personnel who assemble in any Refuge areas will be noted as part of any fire evacuation sweep.

A blank PEEP form is available for you to download.

You can submit your form, or ask a question about the form, using our online question form, or emailing

Reporting a Fire Safety Concern

We have a Fire Evacuation Report form available for you.


Good housekeeping at work results in:

  • fewer tripping and slipping incidents in clutter-free and spill-free work areas
  • decreased fire hazards
  • lower worker exposures to hazardous products (e.g. dusts, vapours)
  • better control of tools and materials, including inventory and supplies
  • more efficient equipment cleanup and maintenance
  • better hygienic conditions leading to improved health
  • more effective use of space
  • reduced property damage by improving preventive maintenance
  • less janitorial work
  • improved morale
  • improved productivity (equipment and materials will be easy to find).

Consequences of Fire Equipment Misuse

Fire safety equipment and installations such as smoke and heat detection are provided for the safety of everyone. Misuse of fire safety equipment and installations such as intentional damage, removal or tampering can have serious implications for personal safety, and can lead to disciplinary action and in some cases, prosecution.

Fire Alarm Testing

All fire alarm tests are currently carried out on a Thursday.