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Learning Technology Team

Original Workflow 4: Blog, Journal, Discussion Board

Information for Staff

Grading a discussion board, blog or journal.

Instructors can review the student's posts for each tool by either going directly into the attempt from the Grade Centre or using the 'SITE TOOL' links 'Blogs, Journal, or Discussion Boards from the Site Menu.

Once a student's work is selected, instructors are able to overall Grades and Feedback using the feedback options on the right hand side.

Screen-grab, grading options for discussion board from within the grade centre

Setting up the corresponding Grade Centre column

If a discussion board. blog or journal is set to be graded, there will be a corresponding column in the Grade Centre. Instructors should select the option 'Hide from Students' so that grades are not automatically shown to students. 

The correct grading schema should be linked by selecting 'Edit Column Information' and then changing the 'Primary Display'.

Screen-grab, changing column grading schema setting

When Complete/Incomplete, is selected as the 'Primary Display' any grade entered will show as 'Tick' in both the grade centre and within 'feedback and grades' for students. 

Screen-grab, discussion board schema set to complete/incomplete

If you wish students to see a letter grade select either the 'UnderGrad or PostGrad Letter' as the Primary Display.

Screen-grab, linking grading schema.  

In the grade centre, instructors should select 'Grade User Activity' to grade posts and add feedback

Screen-grab, discussion board in grade centre.

A grey icon with an orange line through a circle, next to the column heading indicates that the grades are currently hidden from students. To release/hide the grades select 'Hide from students (on and off)'.

Screen-grab, correct grade centre view for discussion board

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