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Learning Technology Team

Ultra Workflow 2: Blackboard Assignment

Information for Staff

How to create a group in Blackboard

Select Groups from the top menu.

Select the plus symbol to create a New Group Set.

Name the group.

Add a group description.

Select students and add them as participants to the group you have created.

TIP: If you want to use Student Preview to review your group assessment from a student perspective, remember to add your staff_PreviewUser username as a participant to a group.  

Select Save once you have finished.

Unassign students from the group if needed.

Delete the group if needed.

Review the members of the group.

Choose the More Actions menu to edit or delete the group.

You have now successfully created a new group and added student participants to the group.


How to set up a Blackboard Ultra Group Assignment

Select the Assessment and submission folder.

Select Create.

Select the Assignment item from the Assessment submenu.

Enter the Assignment name based on the Assessment ID and description listed in your module specifications.

Use Instructions to add context to the assessment.

Select Assignment Settings.

Select and modify the Due Date and Time.

Select and modify Attempts allowed.

Select Mark Using and choose UG or PG Letter, Points or Percentages.

Select Maximum points and set to 100.

Please note that Anonymous marking is not recommended with Blackboard Ultra assignments as a permanent paper ID is not generated, which means that it is not possible to keep a record of which pieces of work were internally moderated. Additionally, it is not possible to de-anonymise individual submissions where academic misconduct is suspected. For these reasons, anonymous marking is only recommended when using Turnitin assignments, therefore please always leave 'Hide student names' unchecked when setting up a Blackboard Ultra Assignment.

Select Add marking rubric to use an existing rubric or create a new rubric.

Select Assign to groups.

Select the Group Students menu.

Select Reuse groups from the menu.

Select the Group Set you have created.

Select the Save button. 

You have now assigned a group to an assessment.

Select Save to return to the Content and Settings menu.

Select Hidden from students to change the availability of the assessment.

Your Blackboard Ultra Group Assignment is now set up.

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