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Ultra Workflow 2: Blackboard Assignment

Information for Staff

When to use a Blackboard Ultra assignment

You can use a Blackboard Ultra assignment when:

  • Your students are submitting individually or as a group;
  • Your students are submitting single or multiple files;
  • Your students are submitting any type of file, including large files, and video and audio files;
  • You want to upload an external file as part of your feedback to your students, or to give video feedback.
  • You want to use the new Turnitin integration to check individual submissions for originality.

NOTE: Turnitin similarity reports are only available for individual submissions, not for group assignments.


When not to use a Blackboard Ultra assignment

You should not use a Blackboard Ultra assignment if it is imperative that you mark your students' work anonymously.
While Blackboard Ultra assignments do allow the option to hide student names during marking, this is not recommended because a permanent paper ID is not generated, which means that it is not possible to keep a record of which pieces of work were internally moderated. Additionally, it is not possible to de-anonymise individual submissions where academic misconduct is suspected. For these reasons, anonymous marking is only recommended when using Turnitin assignments.

How to set up an individual Blackboard Ultra Assignment

This guide explains how to set up a Blackboard Assignment. It covers all the recommended settings and steps to ensure the assignment runs smoothly for both staff and students throughout the submission and grading electronically process.

To help your students understand the process, please add a link to the student guide in your Ultra course: Submitting a Blackboard Assignment - Student guide.

NOTE: All submission points must be placed in the 'Assessment and submission' Learning Module on Ultra courses. This is defined within the NILE design standards and is a mandatory requirement.

Select the Assessment and submission Learning Module to expand it.

Select the + icon and choose Create from the drop-down menu.

Select the Assignment item from the Assessment submenu.

Enter the Assessment ID and description copied from your module specification document.

Add a summary of the assessment in Instructions and upload any additional files students may require to complete the assignment.

Select the Settings icon to access the assignment settings panel.

Select and modify the Due Date and Time for the assessment deadline.

Select Allow class conversations if you want students to discuss the assignment.

Set the assessment as Formative, if needed.

In the Mark Category section, ensure the category is set to Assignment.

Select Mark Using and choose UG/PG Letter or Percentage depending on the current academic regulations.

Select and modify Attempts allowed to allow more than a single submission attempt.

Select Maximum points and ensure it is set to 100.

Please note that Anonymous marking is not recommended with Blackboard Ultra Assignments as a permanent paper ID is not generated, which means that it is not possible to keep a record of which pieces of work were internally moderated. Additionally, it is not possible to de-anonymise individual submissions where academic misconduct is suspected. For these reasons, anonymous marking is only recommended when using Turnitin assignments, therefore please always leave 'Hide student names' unchecked when setting up a Blackboard Ultra Assignment.

Select Add marking rubric to access the rubric settings.

Select Create to design a new rubric or Generate to allow the Ultra AI Design Assistant to generate a rubric.

Select Enable Turnitin in the Originality Report section, if you wish to use a simplified version of Turnitin.

Select Standard paper Repository in the Store Student Submission In section.

Select sources for comparison.

Choose whether to exclude bibliographic material, quote materials or small text matches.

Ensure you allow students to view their Originality Report for their attempts.

Select Save to confirm your choices.

Close the Turnitin panel to return to the Assignment Settings panel.

Select Visible to students to display the assessment to students immediately or use Release Conditions to manage the visibility of the assessment.

Your Blackboard Ultra Assignment is now set up.

Select Close to return to the Course Content screen.

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