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Learning Technology Team

Ultra Workflow 1: Turnitin

Information for Staff

Downloading student grades to email to Student Records

In order to download the gradebook report to send to Student Records, first access the gradebook in your NILE course.

Then switch to 'Marks' view.

Review the marks to ensure that they are correct. For first sit assignments, check that all students have grades. If you need to record non-submissions or academic misconduct referrals, select any blank cells to add in these grades. Add the grade(s) and choose 'Post'. For resit assignments, not all students will have grades, so you can leave the cells blank for any students who did not need a resit opportunity.

For more information about grading, including how to record non-submissions and academic misconduct referrals in NILE, please see our FAQ 'How do I grade my assessments in NILE?'

To download the gradebook report, from the gradebook menu select 'download' to open the 'Download Marks' panel.

From the 'Download Options' menu, under Mark Records choose 'Full Gradebook'. Under Record Details select the gradebook column for the assessment that you want to download. For 'File Type' select 'Tab-separated File (.xls)'. For 'Save Location' select 'My device'. Finally, select 'Download' to download the grades to your computer.

An Excel file will be downloaded to your computer, which you can view, check, and send to Student Records.

For more help and information about downloading files using Chrome, see the link below.

If you require assistance with NILE, please contact LearnTech Support using the NILE Enquiry Form

If you require assistance with PebblePad, please contact PebblePad Support using the PebblePad Contact Form