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Learning Technology Team

Ultra Workflow 1: Turnitin

Information for Staff

Sending reminders to anonymous non-submitters

It is possible to use the student progress features in a Blackboard Ultra course to send email reminders to students who have not submitted their Turnitin assignment by the due date.

NOTE: This feature is only applicable for first submissions. Resit opportunities will have a large proportion of non-submitters.


In the Course Content area, find the Turnitin assignment and use the 'more options' menu to select Student Progress.

The Student Progress option is the second menu item.

The student progress page will be displayed which contains a list of all students enrolled on the course and their status regarding this particular piece of content.

The page information is formatted as a table with headings Student Name and Progress Status

There are three possible states of progress recorded:

  • Unopened means the student has not launched the assignment and has not submitted to Turnitin.
  • Started means that the student has launched the assignment, but has not submitted to Turnitin.
  • Marked as complete means that the student has submitted something to the Turnitin assignment.

Alll students with a status of Unopened or Started will need to be contacted.

Important! To contact all students who have not submitted anything to Turnitin, the following process needs to be performed twice; once for the status of Unopened, and again for the satus of Started.

First, use the filter at the top of the page to display all students who have a status of Unopened.

The table will reload in the background as soon as the filter is selected.

Use the checkbox in the table heading to select all of students in the filtered list, then select the Message button on the same page.

The checkbox in the table header will select all students now shown in the filtered view.

Compose the message to the students. Copy the message to your clipboard or paste it to another application before you send it. You will need to send it a second time.

Use the send button when you are ready. Each student will receive their own copy of the email and will not be able to see who else it has been sent to. 

Important! Repeat the above steps to email all students with a status of Started to ensure all students without a submission are contacted.

Please find some recommended text for the email below which you can of course adapt to your needs.

Dear Student, We are concerned that you have not submitted the following assignment:

[Module name]

[Assignment name]

Due date: [Date]

In accordance with University policy, if you submit within one week of the deadline your work can still be marked but will be subject to a capped grade. If the due date is missing from the information above, then please refer to the Assessment information. If you have received mitigating circumstances or an extension, please ignore this email. Should you wish to discuss your non-submission then we strongly encourage you to contact your module leader so that we are able to better support you.

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