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Learning Technology Team

Original Workflow 5: Performance, Presentation (in person), Viva, Artefact

Information for Staff

Introduction to grading with a manual grade centre column

While there is no student submission associated with a manual grade centre column, grades and feedback can be recorded and made available to students. Additionally, it is possible to add records of the students' work, such as videos of student presentations, detailed photos of an artefact or a digital audio recording, for both feedback and moderation purposes.

Adding grades and feedback to a manual grade centre column

In the relevant NILE course , navigate to Course Management, Control Panel, Grade Centre, Full Grade Centre.

The gull grade centre link is available when expanding the Grade Centre heading

Locate the cell for the student you wish to grade. Use the contextual menu to select View Grade Details.

The grade centre is a table with the assignment names as the column headers and the student names as row headers

This will open the attempt grading form.

The grading page opens on the Attempts page by default, which is the one to enter new grades and feedback

Select View Rubric to complete this first if you have associated a rubric. Please see the page of this Guide titled 'Using Blackboard rubrics in a manual grade column' for more details if you are using a rubric.

The Current Grade Value can be entered as a letter grade if the primary display has been set to text. If using the Undergrad or Postgrad grade schema, then enter the corresponding score value as shown in the next section of this guide. If using a scored rubric, then this field will be auto-populated with a number when you complete the rubric.

The Feedback to Learner section will be shown to the students when grades are released later in this workflow. This can include feedback comments, but also any of the recorded evidence appropriate to share with the student. For example, the student may well benefit from seeing a recording of their live presentation alongside their feedback.

The Grading Notes section will not be visible to students and is used for moderation purposes. Please see the 'Recording the outcome of the moderation process' page of this guide for further details. Evidence of the students' work can also be attached here for moderation if you do not wish to share it with the student in the Feedback to Learner section.


The Kaltura Mashup tool can be used to add Media to the Feedback to Learner or Grading Notes sections. Please see the link at the end of this page for further information on using the mashup tool.

Use the Submit button to save the feedback and grades for this student

The submit and cancel buttons float near the bottom of the page

Submitting will return to the grade details. It is possible to navigate to the next student using the arrow beside the student's name.

The next user button is located towards the top of the page, next to the student name

Applying a grade when using the grade schemas

To grade the assignment, enter the corresponding grade value out of 100 into the grade box.

The grade values are listed in the table below. Please note the slight differences between the Postgraduate and Undergraduate scales, due to the lack of a D grade at Postgraduate level.

The undergraduate and postgraduate grading schema
Letter Grade Undergraduate numeric grade Postgraduate numeric grade
A+ 90 90
A 78 77
A- 73 72
B+ 68 68
B 65 65
B- 61 61
C+ 58 58
C 55 55
C- 51 51
D+ 48 n/a
D 45 n/a
D- 41 n/a
F+ 38 47
F 27 36
F- 13 14
ZZ 4 4
LG 3 3
NG 2 2
AG 1 1
G 0 0

Below is an explanation of G grade variants:

G: Nothing submitted.

AG: submitted but awarded G grade following the outcome of academic misconduct panel.

NG: submitted but work contained nothing of merit.

LG: submitted late and outside timeframe allowed.

ZZ: grade currently suspended due to suspected misconduct.


It is important to use the exact numbers shown in the schema table above. For example, for an Undergraduate C-, you would enter 51. If you were to enter a 54, the schema would apply a C in the grade centre. The numbers shown are the centre value of each range for that letter grade, not the boundary value of each range.

It is equally important to ensure that the assignment is graded out of 100. If you need to change this the grade centre, please refer to the first section of this guide, 'Creating a manual grade column'.

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