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Learning Technology Team

Original Workflow 1: Turnitin

Information for Staff

Overview of the anonymous submission and marking process in Turnitin

  1. Set up the Turnitin submission point with anonymous submission set to ‘yes’.
  2. Ensure that students know how to prepare work for anonymous submission (see Student Guide to Anonymous Submission).
  3. Students submit work for assessment.
  4. First marking.
  5. Internal moderation.
  6. Grades and feedback finalised (i.e., agreed between the first marker and internal moderator).
  7. Internal moderation document(s) uploaded/added to 'External examiner' area in NILE.
  8. All submissions made after the due date de-anonymised by first marker.
  9. Grades for late submissions capped by first marker in line with University policy.
  10. Feedback and grades released to students.
  11. Grade details downloaded from Grade Centre and sent to Student Records.
  12. Sample selected for External Examiner and corresponding Smart View created in Grade Centre.

UON policies and official guidance related to anonymous marking

Introduction to setting up an anonymous Turnitin submission point

This section of the guide explains how to set up an anonymous Turnitin submission point. It covers all of the recommended settings and steps to ensure that the assignment runs smoothly for both staff and students throughout the submission and grading electronically process.


Two Turnitin submission points are usually required per assignment. The first is for the submissions expected on the due date. This submission point will collect the assignments submitted on time, those submitted after the due date from students who have an agreed extension, and those unauthorised late submissions.

A second submission point also needs creating for resits. This is to collect any assignments from students who are allowed to resit the assignment, such as students with mitigating circumstances, for example.

All Turnitin assignments should be placed within the 'Submit your work' area on NILE module courses so that students know where to find them.

It should be made clear to your students that the assignment will be marked anonymously and that they should not include their name or student number anywhere in the document, the file name or the submission title.

A guide for students is also available which explains how to submit an assignment to Turnitin (see link below).

Creating a Turnitin submission point

Navigate to the NILE course in which you wish to set the assignment and ensure that the edit mode is turned on.

edit mode switch

Select Submit your work from the navigation menu.

navigation menu in a NILE module

From the menu bar, select Build content, Turnitin.

The Turnitin option is under the Create subheading of the menu.

In the main details section enter a title, maximum grade, start date, due date, and feedback release date.

The title should include the assignment code and title as it is recorded in the module guide. If it is a resit assignment, this should also be clearly marked in the title, e.g. AS1 Resit.

The maximum grade is always out of 100. This allows for the correct recording of grades when using a grading schema.

The start date is the date you wish to start accepting submissions from. This can usually be left as the date the submission point is created.

In line with policy, the due date should be set to 23.59 on the cutoff date.

The feedback release date should be four working weeks after the due date according to UON policy.

Optionally, enter any additional instructions for students.

After entering the details above, expand the optional settings section.

These settings are particularly important to ensure that the assignment is set up correctly. Please use the information in the table below to complete this section. At the end of the options, there is a checkbox which allows you to save the settings as your default options for the next time you set up a Turnitin assignment.

Submission Settings Selection
Submit papers to Standard paper repository
Allow submission of any file type This should normally be unticked so that only file types which Turnitin can check for similarity can be submitted. Consider setting up a Blackboard assignment instead if you are expecting submissions of different file types.
Allow late submissions Tick for first-sit assignments. Untick for re-sit assignments.
Enable anonymous marking Tick
Attach a rubric Tick and select the rubric from the dropdown list if using one.
Compare against Selection
Student paper repository Tick
Current and archived web site content Tick
Periodicals, journals and publications Tick
Similarity Report Selection
Generate Similarity Reports for student submission Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit until due date)
Allow students to view similarity reports Tick
Exclude bibliographic materials Tick
Exclude quoted materials Tick
Exclude small sources Tick
Small match exclusion type Words
Set source exclusion threshold 5 words
Additional settings Selection
Would you like to save these options as your defaults for future assignments? Optionally tick to save these options for next time

If you would like to know more about what each of the individual settings do, focus on the contextual help icons, which are represented as question marks.

The contextual help icons are tooltips which may need extra verbosity settings enabled in screen readers

Use the Submit button at the bottom of the form to save the settings.

A success message will be displayed briefly and the newly created assignment will be visible in the Assessment and submission area.

Setting up the grade centre

The final step in the process is to set up your Turnitin assignment column in the Grade Centre. The column will have been automatically created for you when you created the assignment, you just need to check the settings, and alter one or two of them. This stage of the process is important as it ensures that your students will see a letter grade, rather than a score between 0 and 100. It also ensures that the grades will not be released to students until you are ready.

NOTE: This step is extremely important so that grades are not released to students ahead of your intended release date.

Navigate to Course management, Control panel, Grade centre, Full grade centre.

The gull grade centre link is available when expanding the Grade Centre heading

The Grade Centre is a table, with students displayed along the rows and assignments down the columns.

Select the contextual menu next to assignment title in the column header and choose Edit column information.

Locate the Primary Display option and select either UnderGrad or PostGrad letter depending on the academic level of the module.

Dropdown list for primary display with UnderGrad Letter selected as an example

It is important to hide the grade centre column so that it is not visible to students ahead of the release date. Look for the option 'Show this column to students' and change this to 'No'. This will prevent students from viewing their grades and feedback in the column until you are ready to release the grades to all students.

This setting is under the heading of Options.

Use the Submit button to commit all changes.

The Blackboard Learn Submit button next to the Cancel button

The assignment is now ready for submissions.

You may wish to double-check that the grade centre column is not visible to students ahead of the release date.

Return to Course management, Control panel, Grade centre, Full grade centre.

If the column is hidden, there will be an icon next to the column heading which has a cross through it.

The icon is described as "column is not visible to students" within the alt text

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