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Learning Technology Team

Original Workflow 1: Turnitin

Information for Staff

Internal moderation: The external examiner area

It is important that moderation notes are recorded in a place that is easy to access for all staff who have a need to track grades. As such, a record of the internal moderation process should be documented in the 'External examiner' area of the NILE course.


The external examiner area, and all items and documents in it should remain hidden from students at all time. Please see the guidance in 'Using the external examiner folder' for details.

This guide shows you how to upload an external file (this might be a Word document, or Excel spreadsheet, for example) to the external examiner area. However, you may prefer to create a content item (using Build Content, Item) directly in the external examiner area and use this to record your internal moderation notes straight into NILE, rather than using external files.

For recommendations on how to record your notes, please refer to the next section of this guide 'Recommendations for internal moderation notes'.

If you have created your internal moderation notes in external files and want to upload them, then in the NILE course, navigate to the external examiner area which is usually the last link in the course menu.

The external examiner link has a crossed icon next to it to indicate it is not visible to students. 

Select Build Content in the action bar at the top of the page, then select File.

The file option is the second link in the list, under the heading 'Create'.

On the following page, for the name, enter the assignment code and indicate that the file contains moderation notes. You may also wish to include the date of upload.

Use the Browse My Computer button to attach the file.

Ensure that the option Permit Users to View this Content is set to No.

Click Submit to begin the upload.

The file will now be available to all instructors and external examiners on the NILE course by navigating to the external examiner section and choosing the title on the screen.

Each file added will be placed at the bottom of the content area by default.



If the original grade needs to be changed after the moderation process, ensure that it is changed in Turnitin. Return to the Feedback studio view and update the grade according to the grading schema. Please see the earlier part of this guide 'Giving feedback and grades to students in Turnitin' if you require step by step guidance.


Recommendations for internal moderation notes

Anonymous submissions should always be referred to by Turnitin paper ID, which is available in the following locations:

The Turnitin inbox for the assignment, which can be viewed from the assignment link in the Submit your work area of a course.

The Turnitin Feedback Studio viewer, by selecting the information icon at the bottom of the grading toolbar.

The submission ID is at the top of the list of submission details

When making moderation notes, remember to:

  • Record the paper IDs.
  • Record your name, or at least your initials next to each note. 
  • Record the date next to each note.
  • If the file is being passed to colleagues for working on, do not delete any previous notes.

If you require assistance with NILE, please contact LearnTech Support using the NILE Enquiry Form

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