NILE (Northampton Integrated Learning Environment) is the University’s digital campus. It is a collection of online tools provided by the University to support your learning and assessment. NILE is an essential part of your studies and you will find yourself using it frequently during your time with us.
Each of your modules has its own NILE course, and you will also have a NILE course for your programme. The NILE courses for your modules contain all the key information about the modules you are taking, including information about your assignments. In your NILE courses you will find module guides, resources which have been uploaded by your lecturers, and online activities for you to take part in.
You will also find other important information in your NILE courses, including reading lists, and, importantly, your assignment submission points. The NILE courses for your modules contain information about each specific module, whereas the NILE course for your programme has wider information about the programme of studies you have enrolled on.
If you require assistance with NILE, please contact LearnTech Support using the NILE Enquiry Form
If you require assistance with PebblePad, please contact PebblePad Support using the PebblePad Contact Form