Bibliometrics analyses the impact of research outputs using quantitative measures. Bibliometrics complements qualitative indicators of research impact such as peer review, funding received, and the number of patents and awards granted. Together they assess the quality and impact of research.
You can use bibliometrics to:
SciVal is the University's recommended tool for bibliometric analysis and reporting. It's a research analytics tool which can be used to analyse and track research performance across output, impact and collaboration. It has ready-to-use standardised reports and can generate visual and analytical reports on research performance on demand. SciVal can be used to explore and profile research excellence. It uses publication, citation and affiliation data from Scopus including 38 million publication records from almost 22,000 journals of 5000 publishers worldwide.
(Adapted from the Metrics Toolkit licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence.)
The Metrics Toolkit has further information about various metrics that are available.