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Harvard Referencing: Home

Supporting resources for the Referencing and Ethical Use of Information session.


This site has a pre-sessional activity I would like you to complete before the Referencing and Ethical Use of Information session. This tutorial will take approximately 25 minutes to complete. It will take you through the reasons why we reference and give you examples of how to reference using the Harvard UON referencing style. The transcripts for the videos are available at the end of the tutorial.

Harvard Referencing (25 minutes)

Although Harvard Referencing may have been something you've done before, every institution has its own version of Harvard. So please make sure you're following the formatting for Harvard UON.

To work through the tutorial, use the arrows at the bottom right of the screen to progress through the tutorial. 

Harvard Referencing guide

You can access the full Harvard Referencing guide and additional examples on our library website.

Follow up videos

These videos (on the two tabs above) are included to highlight common mistakes we often see with referencing and also a useful explanation of what we mean when we talk about plagiarism:

  • Ten tips for referencing (VIDEO - 3 mins 13)
  • How to avoid Plagiarism - A Bainbridge College Video (VIDEO – 2 mins 50)

Transcripts are available as a separate file underneath each video.

Academic Librarian

Literature searching support

Please follow the link below to find the literature searching support for your subject area.

How can I find relevant literature to support my work?

NELSON (Northampton Electronic Library Search ONline)

You can use NELSON to search the library’s books, e-books, e-journals, videos and more. Sign-in with your University login to access the full-text. If the item is available electronically you’ll see a link to the full-text online. If the content is available in print, you’ll see a shelfmark letting you know where to find the book on the shelf.

Further information and support

The activity above has gone through the core principles of Harvard Referencing, according to the UON style. The full UON Harvard Referencing Guide provides details and examples about how to format your reference and what to do if information is missing. Additional guidance and advice on referencing is available on the Skills Hub. Thank you for attending the session.

The handout below explains the core principles of Harvard Referencing. Please access the full UON Harvard Referencing Guide for examples and formatting advice.