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Author Publication Affiliation and Acknowledgements

University of Northampton researchers are expected to disseminate their research and publish in the best possible places. In doing so, they need to ensure their affiliation is correctly listed and that appropriate acknowledgement is given for any support provided in undertaking that research.

The University expects anyone listed as an author on a paper to accept personal responsibility for ensuring that they are familiar with the contents of the paper; be able to defend the research outlined in the paper; and be able to identify their contribution.

Authors are expected to state their affiliation to the University of Northampton.  This should be done by subject area / research centre / institute followed by University of Northampton.  University of Northampton must be in full not UON.  Only substantive and honorary members of staff and students of the University can affiliate themselves to the University e.g., “Research Centre of Excellence; University of Northampton”

An author of a manuscript should have made a significant contribution to the manuscript and shares responsibility and accountability for the results reported. Lesser contributions by others should be listed in the acknowledgment, if applicable. An administrative relationship to a study or a relationship as supervisor or being responsible for the funding does not necessarily qualify a person for authorship. The submitting author should, at all times, send all co-authors the final draft of the manuscript and receive their approval before submission and publication of the work.

Most journals require the contribution(s) of each author to be stated in the manuscript, e.g. the CRediT – Contribute Roles Taxonomy used by Elsevier is now used by more than 1000 of their journals to identify contributor roles to scholarly output ( Journals may also require an author to provide an ORCID iD ( The ORCID iD is a unique identifier that distinguishes you and your work from other researchers and their work.

Guidelines for authorship vary among disciplines. In general, authorship implies that a person has made a substantial contribution to, at least, two of the following research activities of a manuscript:

  • initiation and design of the research
  • data collection
  • data analysis
  • writing of the manuscript.