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Datasets and Data Access Statements

The list below provides some example data statements. Please note that data access statements should be tailored to suit each publication, checking that they meet all funder and publisher requirements.

Openly available data

"All data underpinning this publication are openly available from the University of Northampton Research Explorer at"

Embargoed data

"All data underpinning this publication will be available from the University of Northampton Research Explorer at from 01/02/2019 onwards, following the cessation of an embargo period."

Restricted data

"Due to ethical/commercial issues, data underpinning this publication cannot be made openly available. Further information about the data and conditions for access are available from the University of Northampton Research Explorer at"

Partially restricted data

"Due to the sensitive nature of this research, only a subset of the participants consented to their anonymised data being retained and shared. Anonymised interview transcripts and survey results from participants who provided consent, other supporting data, and further details relating to the restricted data, are available from the University of Northampton Research Explorer at"

Physical data

"Physical data supporting this publication are stored by the University of Northampton. Details of the data and how it can be accessed are available from the University of Northampton Research Explorer at"

Secondary data

"Pre-existing data underpinning this publication are openly available from UKDS at Further information about data processing, and additional new supporting data are available from the University of Northampton Research Explorer at"

No new data created

"No new data were created during this study. Pre-existing data underpinning this publication were obtained from NPL and are subject to licence restrictions. Full details on how these data were obtained are available in the documentation available from the University of Northampton Research Explorer at"

No data

"This work is entirely theoretical, there is no data underpinning this publication."


Note that very few studies truly have no data. Email for further advice.