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European Research Council (ERC) Funder Policy: European Commission

European Commission

The European Commission (EC) has a Green policy on Open Access (OA) but has also announced a pilot project to fund APCs arising from publishing in Gold-only journals (e.g., SpringerOpen, BioMed Central).


Underlying data

Where applicable, a statement on how the underlying research materials – such as data samples or models – can be accessed is included.  The recommended format is: “The research data associated with this paper which was funded by ERC is available at: [URL or DOI].”

Journal Criteria

The paper has to be made available open access within six months of the date of publication.

Gold Publication Criteria

Eligible Research Outputs types include:

  • Research articles
  • Monographs
  • Book chapters
  • Conference Proceedings.

To maximise eligibility authors should ensure that the following is included in their article during drafting:

  • An ERC FP7 funding acknowledgement following the FP7 model grant agreement rules
  • A statement about how underlying research materials (such as research data or models) can be accessed (for example This work was supported by the European Research Council [grant number xxxx].”

Green Publication Criteria

  • All publications supported in whole or in part by European Research Council (ERC) funding should be made Open Access
  • Depositing the accepted author manuscript (AAM) at the point of acceptance, or as soon as possible thereafter, is the best way of ensuring compliance
  • All publications supported by the ERC must acknowledge ERC funding and should include the grant number and the name of the ERC funding stream
  • Publications must also include a statement on how underlying research materials (such as research data or models) can be accessed and, where appropriate, such research materials supporting the publication should be deposited in a repository
  • The version of the article is the Accepted Author Manuscript(AAM), with the peer-review comments implemented as it was accepted for publication. Depending on the publisher, these articles may be subject to an embargo period, after which the article can be made freely available
  • Journal Criteria
  • Journal complies with Green RCUK Policy on Open Access.