Format: in text citation
For continuing professional development nurses must attend regular accredited training (Surname, Year, Page).
Format: reference
Chapter author surname, initials. (Year) Title of chapter. In: Editor’s surname, initials. (ed.) Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, first and last page numbers.
Example: in text citation
For continuing professional development nurses must attend regular accredited training (Woolrich, 2009, p.90).
Example: reference
Woolrich, C. (2009) Principles of professional practice. In: Hinchliff, S., Norman, S. and Schober, J. (eds.) Nursing practice and health care: a foundation text. 5th ed. London: Hodder Arnold, pp.89-113.
Note: that ‘in’ is used to link the chapter to the book and the use of page numbers. The year of publication is only given once.
Note: If citing and referencing the whole edited book, use the editor(s)’ name(s) in the citation.
Example: reference
Hinchliff, S., Norman, S. and Schober, J. (eds.) (2009) Nursing practice and health care: a foundation text. 5th ed. London: Hodder Arnold.