Resources held within the University of Northampton Library collection, whether print or online, are provided for the purposes of teaching, learning and research. Inclusion of content within the university collection is not an endorsement, but it is there for our community to examine and question. This means that you may encounter material you disagree with or that makes you feel uncomfortable.
You may also encounter material on controversial topics or written by individuals who may be perceived as contentious, including current material. This material may express viewpoints that are heterodox or that you may find offensive. The University is committed to freedom of speech and academic freedom. Academic freedom means “protecting the intellectual independence of academics to question and test received views and wisdom, and to put forward new ideas and controversial or unpopular opinions, without placing themselves in danger of losing their jobs or privileges” (Universities UK, 2023, p.5). This extends to the inclusion of controversial texts within the University library collection, providing it is compliant with UK legislation*.
Library materials are described in catalogue records using controlled vocabularies, most commonly Library of Congress Subject Headings. This is to help users search and locate material using subject headings and keywords. Overtime, these subject headings can become outmoded or offensive by current standards. Official bodies regularly review and update the terminology used. Where it is within our control, the University of Northampton library team regularly update subject headings used in our catalogue, NELSON, in line with the latest official standards. There are also some instances where outmoded metadata or subject headings may need to be retained to enable discovery and retrieval of library material. This means that outmoded language may be present in our catalogue records, but the library team work to minimise such instances.
The University of Northampton is committed to developing the library collection in line with our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, as outlined in the Collection Development Guidelines, including the provision of considerations for enabling Reading List Diversity.
* Applicable UK legislation:
Animal Welfare Act 2006
Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (CTSA)
Education (No.2) Act 1986
Equality Act 2010
Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023 [Royal Assent received; not in force]
Human Rights Act 1998
Obscene Publications Act 1964
Public Order Act 1986
Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006
Terrorism Act 2006
Video Recordings Act 2010
Universities UK (2023) How can universities prepare for the HE Freedom of Speech Act. Universities UK [online] Available from: [Accessed 10 July 2024]