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What is My Bookmarks?

Organise using tags

Adding tags to items will help you locate them later using the filter tool. 

Click Add Tag and enter a suitable label or select one you have already created. 

To add a bookmark tag to an item click the add tag icon which appears under the item details and enter a suitable label which appear as select section, select tags, select types or other

Filter items

To filter the items by tags, click the filter list icon at the top of the page and select your desired tags.

My Bookmarks display is now filtered by the tag. You can remove a tag filter by clicking on the x next to it.

To filter the list by tags, click the filter list icon located at the top of the page and select desired tag

Remove an item

You can remove an item from My Bookmarks by clicking on the ellipsis to open the options menu and then selecting Delete from My Bookmarks.

You can also delete items in bulk by selecting multiple items, opening the bookmarks menu and choosing Delete selected items.

Search for item

To search for items within your Bookmarks, click the search icon and enter a relevant search term.