Under the current RCUK policy published research must be made Open Access (OA).
The RCUK OA fund provides funding assistance for Gold OA Article Processing Charges (APCs) where the research being published is RCUK funded.
RCUK funders include:
RCUK requirements apply to all peer-reviewed research articles and conference proceedings accepted for publication from 1 April 2013
RCUK Funding should be acknowledged in the research output, referencing the full RCUK grant code, for example, “This work was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council [grant number 1234]”
The recommended format is: “This work was supported by the X Research Council [grant number xxxx].”
If it is not possible to comply with the Gold route, RCUK require deposit of the Accepted Author Manuscript (AAM) in a repository (for the University of Northampton this is achieved by depositing in NECTAR).
Note: Where deposits are subject to a publisher embargo before they can become open access, RCUK require that this does not exceed:
Where applicable, a statement on how the underlying research materials – such as data samples or models – can be accessed should be included.
For more information, contact the Research Support Team.
The version of the article is the Accepted Author Manuscript (AAM), with the peer-review comments implemented as it was accepted for publication. Depending on the publisher, these articles may be subject to an embargo period, after which the article can be made freely available.
Journal complies with Green RCUK Policy on Open Access.