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Student and Academic Services Contact Page: Home

A list of the teams who make up Student and Academic Services (SAS), what they can help you with and how to contact them.

You might find the answer to your question on the Student and Academic Services frequently asked questions pages.

Additional Student Support and Inclusion Services Team (ASSIST)

The Additional Student Support and Inclusion Services Team (ASSIST) provides support to help students with additional or alternative needs and requirements to develop, progress and achieve their full potential. The team is here to support students' throughout their time at university and can help them develop their skills and confidence to get the most from their student experience.

Assessment, Ceremonies and Exams (ACE)

The Assessment, Ceremonies and Exams Team (ACE) provide guidance and support for:

  • Assessments - results & outcomes following an Award and Status Board
  • Ceremonies and Certification - Graduation, document production & verification of Certificates and Transcripts
  • Exams - Face to face Exams both onsite & with partner institutions


The Curriculum Team provide processed curriculum documentation for the validation event/process and the review/change of approval process (module specifications and award maps). Provide programme and module coding for the post validation and review/change of approval set up on the database system. Database set up includes module titles, module leader information, assessment information, award titles.

International Student Support Services

The International Student Support Services Team are here to support you and can offer you friendly, professional and confidential advice during your studies. The team provide free and confidential Immigration advice to prospective, current students and recent graduates.
International Student Support Services Team can provide advice and guidance on:

  • Arriving into the UK
  • ATAS
  • Attendance Monitoring 
  • General Visitor Visas
  • Graduate Route Visa
  • Immigration issues relating to re-sits, repeat failed modules, restarts, change of course, deferring your studies and withdrawing from your course.
  • International Orientation Programme 
  • Lost and Stolen passports and BRP Cards 
  • Police Registration 
  • Schengen Visas and Travel 
  • Short-term Study Visas
  • Student Visa and Dependent applications
  • Visa Extension Process
  • Working during and after your studies
  • Your responsibilities to UK Visas and Immigration.

Needs Assessment Centre

The Needs Assessment Centre (NAC) is an independent Assessment Centre that provides a specialist service for students requiring assessment for the Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA). The NAC is open to all disabled students in Higher Education who are eligible for the DSA.

Police Team

To provide policing service to all students and staff both on and off campus.  To support security and residential life with serious safeguarding concerns and to offer police related advice and support to students, especially where this supports their academic studies. 

Office is at the visitors centre, can be contacted through campus security.
call 101 – Ask for the University Police Team
call 999 – In emergency always use this.
mail Police Team:

Student Conduct, Complaints and Advice (SCCA)

The Student Conduct, Complaints and Appeals team provides procedural advice, case handling and oversight of several student procedures including: Academic Appeals, Academic Misconduct, Complaints, Conduct including disciplinary processes, Fitness to Practice, Fitness to Study, Mitigating Circumstances Appeals and Termination Appeals.  In addition, the team handles responses for the external ombudsman, the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA), with whom students can raise complaints following the completion of an internal University procedure.


The Timetabling team aims to timetable courses to best suit students' needs whilst working within the University’s space and time constraints. 


The Admissions Department manages and advises on applications to all programmes. The Admissions department:

  • receive applications through UCAS, direct through self-service and partnership routes
  • review applications and make offers
  • schedule applicant interviews
  • communicate application decisions to applicants 
  • assess entry requirements including English Language 
  • manage the Special Admissions process
  • process Approved Prior Learning and Approved Prior Experiential Learning applications
  • process Immigration status decisions
  • manage Confirmation and Clearing
  • provide professional advice and guidance on admissions best practice, regulations, policies and processes 
  • provide data and analysis of applications, offers, conversion and enrolment

The UON admissions functions are split across two main departments:

  • Admissions (Student and Academic Services)
  • International Admissions (Marketing and International Relations)


UCAS, Undergraduate and UTT: 01604 893866
Postgraduate, Distance Learning, other: 01604 893867
International Admissions: 01604 894503


Undergraduate, UCAS and UTT applicants: 
International applicants: 
Postgraduate applicants: 
Postgraduate Research/Doctoral applicants: 
Distance learning applicants: 
Health CPD and stand-alone module applicants: 
Partnership Applicants: partnership_admissions@



Income Team
Collection and invoicing of all home & international student payments including the collection of recurring card payments for accommodation and the administration of payment plans for tuition fees. Creating invoices and collection of all commercial income. Setting of annual tuition fee rates and providing advice on tuition fees, discount schemes and expert advice on SFE funding rules and regulations.

Credit Control
The Credit Control Team is responsible for:

  • All outstanding Debt enquiries concerning the payment of Tuition/Accommodation fees or a Bridging and emergency loan
  • Discuss a payment plan
  • Arrange payment plan either by card / Recurring Card Payment (RCP) and bank transfers
  • Discuss reason for non -payment or delay of payment
  • Financial difficulties and options available
  • Implement and monitor Credit Control Finance sanctions.

Income Team
call 01604 892327

mailCredit Control Team

call 01604 892688

Postgraduate Research

The Graduate School team provides dedicated support to postgraduate researchers and supervisors in relation to enrolment, finance matters, progression and examination and researcher development.

Head of the Graduate School
call 01604 892126
PGR Progression and Examination
call 01604 893710
Researcher development
call 01604 893944

Supervisor development
call 01604 893362

Student Information Desk (SID)

The Student Information Desk is here to support you during your studies. We can help with a number of queries and give general advice on a range of matters including: 

  • Changes to your personal or programme information
  • Advice on administrative and academic matters
  • Policies and Regulations
  • Enrolment
  • Certificate of Full-Time Status (Council Tax Purposes)
  • Timetables
  • Student Status Letters
  • Student Forms
  • Signposting to specialist student support teams and other university teams and departments.


The apprenticeship team is responsible for the creation and recruitment of apprenticeship programmes and for ensuring the smooth workflow including providing policies to comply with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), OFSTED, Office for Students and HESA and submitting compliance data. The key responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring the University apprenticeship process is compliant with funding regulations
  • Liaising with Admissions, Quality Office, Student Records, ACE and SID for the apprenticeship workflow
  • Marketing and development of apprenticeship courses
  • Student recruitment and employer engagement
  • Provide support to employers and Programme Leaders

Counselling and Mental Health

Mental Health Advisers provide confidential support to students who are experiencing mental health difficulties. They specialise in assessing how a mental health difficulty may affect the ability to learn, can recommend adjustments to enable study and progression and will work with them to find effective coping strategies to help overcome problems. 

The counselling service at Waterside is staffed by professionally trained counsellors. It offers a free, confidential service to all students. Counsellors recognise students may ne​ed other help and will assist them in making, or accessing, the appropriate resources or agencies when necessary. They provide counselling which aims to enhance students' wellbeing by exploration and encouraging change.

Financial Guidance

The Financial Guidance Team offers information and guidance on financial matters including: 

  • student loans and grants
  • bursaries and scholarships 
  • budgeting and money management
  • financial implications of changing study

We also assess students applications for: 

  • Finance Assistance Fund (including financial hardship, diagnostic assessment, disabled 
  • students allowance top-up, care leaver/foyer/estranged student award and carers award)
  • EU Hardship Fund
  • Bridging Loans
  • Emergency Loans
  • Placement Loan.


The Placements and Work Based Learning Team offer support for students before, during and after your placement. We are also here to talk to organisations who are currently supporting, or would like to support a student on a placement.

schedule We are available on the Student Information Desk on the ground floor of the Learning Hub Tuesday 9am until 1pm, and Thursday 1pm until 3pm.


The Placements and Work Based Learning Team are open Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm. We aim to respond to your query within 72 hours.

mail Submit a 'Contact Us' form via mypad. 

Send us a message via your Student Placement Portal: Placements menu, select Contact Placement Team

call 01604 893781

Residential Life

Encouraging a positive student community by providing support, advice, activities and events to student living in UON halls of residence.

call Waterside 07740 716593

call St Johns 07925 893597

call Scholars Green 07740 716592


language UON Residential Life

language uon_reslife/uon_reslifeevents

schedule 8.30am-6am Mon-Fri, 5pm-6am Sat/Sun

Student Records

Student Records support students once enrolled with the following:

  • Module choice
  • Module change
  • Course transfers
  • Withdrawal from course
  • Restarts
  • Study breaks
  • Mitigating Circumstances
  • Module boards.

Student Support and Advice

The Student Support and Advice team is made up of Student Support Officers and Academic Advisers.

Student Support Officers can provide you with a confidential space to speak about your individual circumstances and how these may be impacting on your wellbeing and your opportunity to achieve your best outcomes whilst studying at the university. Student Support Officers can work in partnership with you to identify a plan of action that supports and enhances your wellbeing and your opportunity to work towards your goals.

A Student Support Officer can signpost you towards additional support or other facilities and services available at the University and support you in accessing these. They can also provide initial academic advice and guidance relating to the university's academic processes and regulations.

Our Academic Advisers will be able to provide with personalised advice and support for more complex academic issues. They will work within university regulations and policies to identify permitted options that will deliver the best outcome for you, as well as helping you to plan ahead and make informed decisions about your studies.