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Social Policy and Practice represents an important source of evidence-based social science research for policy-makers, practitioners, educators and students working within economic and social development, social administration, social services, and care management.
Offers access to peer-reviewed publications, multimedia learning resources, engagement activities and support in a fast-changing social care policy and practice landscape.
You will need to register for an account with using your student University email or your staff university email to access the resource. When registering it is recommended to enter minimal information, for example Member for Job Title and University for Department.
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Access to academic journals for a range of disciplines, including Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology and Medicine.
Online access to all journals from Taylor & Francis and Routledge. The collection includes full text titles in a wide range of science and social science subject areas.
CINAHL Ultimate is the definitive full-text database for nursing and allied health research covering over 50 nursing specialties. Additionally, it features full-text quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, continuing education modules, nursing instructional videos, and more.
PsycNET is an amalgamation of PsycInfo (which is an abstract database of psychological literature from the 1800s to today) and PsycArticles (which offers access to the full-text of APA journals).
Insights and facts across 170 industries and 150+ countries