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SCONUL visitor membership: Home

What is SCONUL Access?

SCONUL Access is a reciprocal scheme which allows many university library users to access books, journals and study space at other libraries which belong to the scheme. Sometimes books may be borrowed too. The scheme covers many university libraries in the UK and Ireland but you will need to check that your institution is taking part. The University of Northampton does take part in the scheme. We recommend you find out more about SCONUL Access before applying.

Once you have had confirmation from SCONUL that your application has been approved by your home institution, you should complete the University of Northampton SCONUL application form. You will need available:

  • your SCONUL Access approved email
  • a digital photo of yourself
  • a picture, copy or scan of your university ID.

Photographs and documents submitted will be deleted upon collection of your access card. You will need to reapply each year and provide these documents for each application. Your application can take up to four weeks to process and we will be in touch by email with details on how to collect your card.

You can:

  • access the Learning Hub 24 hours a day
  • use all study spaces, including a dedicated silent area
  • bring your own device and use the wifi and charging points
  • depending on your SCONUL band, you may be able to borrow up to five four-week loans from our main collection.

You can't:

  • use our subscription electronic resources
  • borrow laptops and there are no PCs
  • print or use the photocopier
  • borrow one-week loans or from the School Experience Collection, Health kits, CDs and DVDs, Illustrated Books, Exhibition catalogues, Journals, Fowler and our Special Collection
  • reserve books 
  • book study rooms.

We welcome your membership but you must abide by all University of Northampton Policies and library rules, or we reserve the right to withdraw your membership. These include:

  • always wearing your ID card on your lanyard when in the Learning Hub
  • you may not bring other visitors with you; adults or children
  • you must respect students, staff and other users of the University of Northampton
  • if your band allows you to borrow books and you chose to do so, you must keep your library account in good order, and you will be responsible for your loaned items
  • if you damage or lose a book, they are charged at a standard £40 / item.