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ProfDoc LLS introduction


This website is designed to introduce you to the key resources in Library and Learning Services and support for your Professional Doctorate. There is information about how to search and some of the key resources you want to explore. Click on the tabs at the left of the page to find out more.

Guide overview

Each of the tabs on the left of the guide offer you further help and support for your studies. These are:

  • Planning your search
  • Key sources
  • Further help and support

Academic Librarian help and support

The Academic Librarian team are here to help you make the most of the Library resources. We offer support with finding, using and referencing information for your academic assignments. You’ll meet us in workshops to offer subject specific support as requested by your tutor. You can also book one-to-one tutorials if you would like help with finding specific information. You can contact us by emailing It is helpful to us if you include your full name and student number when you contact us.