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Examples J-M

Example reference formats for different source types

Legislation examples

Acts of Parliaments should be treated the same whether found in print or online.

Format: in text citation  
It is illegal to facilitate the travel of a person for the purpose of exploitation (Title of Act, Year).

Title of Act Year states that local authorities have a general duty in relation to children in need.

Format: reference  
Title of Act and Year Place of publication: Publisher.

Example: in text citation  
It is illegal to facilitate the travel of a person for the purpose of exploitation (Modern Slavery Act, 2015).

The Children Act 1989 states that local authorities have a general duty in relation to children in need.  

Example: reference  
Modern Slavery Act 2015 London: TSO.

Children Act 1989 London: HMSO.

Note: Prior to 1996, The Stationery Office (TSO) was known as Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (HMSO).