Where you are mentioning and discussing the existence and implications of an AI tool, e.g. “use of large language models such as ChatGPT have the potential to change how we think about authorship”, a citation and a reference are required. No appendix is required. The following format should be followed.
In-text Citation:
Format: (Name of company providing the AI tool, Year)
Example: (OpenAI, 2023)
Reference as per a website:
Author (Year) Title. Source [online]. Available from: website [Accessed date].
OpenAI (2023) ChatGPT [online]. Available from: https://chat.openai.com/ [Accessed 18 May 2023].
Where you have used ChatGPT or a similar AI tool to generate a response which you have used in the process of your assessed work, and that aligns to one of the use cases below, use the following acknowledgment, reference, citation and appendix format.
Use Case 2: Used to generate materials for background research and self-study
Use Case 3: Used to structure or plan an assessment
Use Case 4: Used to generate materials that are included within your final assessment in modified form.
Use Case 5: Used to generate materials that are included in your final assessment in unmodified form.
Acknowledgments as per the Acknowledgments section
In-text Citation:
Format: (Corporate Author, Year)
Example: (OpenAI, 2023)
Reference as per a website:
Author (Year) Title. Source [online]. Available from: website [Accessed date].
OpenAI (2023) ChatGPT [online]. Available from: https://chat.openai.com/ [Accessed 18 May 2023].
Appendix format:
Appendix Title: [appendix title]
Appendix example:
Prompt question: How does Wittgenstein explain the definition of a game?
AI output in full:
Ludwig Wittgenstein, an influential philosopher of the 20th century, addresses the concept of the definition of a game in his philosophical work "Philosophical Investigations." In this work, Wittgenstein challenges the traditional approach to defining concepts and argues that definitions are not always straightforward and rigid. Instead, he proposes a more flexible understanding of language and meaning.
Wittgenstein begins by examining how we typically define things by pointing out their common features. For example, when we define a game, we might list attributes such as competition, rules, and amusement. However, Wittgenstein argues that there is no single defining characteristic that encompasses all games. Instead, he suggests that games have a "family resemblance" in which different games share overlapping similarities without any one feature being present in all of them.
To illustrate this idea, Wittgenstein uses the concept of a "language game." Language games are social activities where language is used for specific purposes, such as giving commands, describing objects, or telling jokes. He suggests that the rules of language games are not fixed or universally applicable but are shaped by their context and usage.
Similarly, Wittgenstein argues that games have a set of related activities, which may have overlapping rules and characteristics, but no single set of features that applies to all games. He emphasizes the importance of looking at the various ways games are played and the different aspects that make them enjoyable or engaging.
According to Wittgenstein, the concept of a game is better understood through a holistic and contextual approach rather than a strict definition based on necessary and sufficient conditions. He encourages us to examine the diverse range of games and explore their connections and similarities, acknowledging that the boundaries between different games can be fuzzy and subject to interpretation.
Overall, Wittgenstein's approach to defining a game involves recognizing that definitions are not fixed and absolute but depend on the context and the way in which language is used in practice. By focusing on the family resemblance of games and the varied activities they encompass, he challenges the notion of a strict definition and highlights the complexity of language and meaning.
Description of AI use within the assessed work:
I used ChatGPT to research and help understand Wittgenstein’s language theory. I used this to provide a background understanding of the topic for the assessment.
We would specifically advise against the use of AI tools to generate references. AI tools consistently fabricate references to non-existent sources.