When you are researching an industry or market, you will find that it is difficult to find helpful information on the web. This site has been created to introduce you to different sources of industry information available in the Library online collections.
MarketLine is a global database offering data and information on companies and industries around the world. The following video shows you how to search this resource for industry information.
Mintel is a market research database and we have access to UK content and reports on a range of consumer topics e.g. holidays or cars. The following video gives you an idea of how to search Mintel, but use the search box if you are looking for information on a specific UK market.
Case studies focus on a particular theme, company or industry and can be found in journals, books and other collections. Here are some options:
A large collection of global business journals, news and other resources covering a range of disciplines, including business and economics, management, marketing, economics, human resources, finance and computing.
A business database containing the full text of a range of academic and trade journals, some going back to 1965. Also includes company information and market reports.
Full articles from 120 business, accounting, marketing, health management, HRM and IS journals and abstracts of articles from many more.
Access to academic journals for a range of disciplines, including Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology and Medicine.
A collection of journals and other publications covering life sciences, health sciences, physical sciences and engineering as well as social sciences, humanities, business and finance.
Online access to all journals from Taylor & Francis and Routledge. The collection includes full text titles in a wide range of science and social science subject areas.
A broad, multidisciplinary, full-text academic database of journals, books and reference works.