Subject to permission, we can digitise the following for each module:
one whole chapter of a book
two whole articles from a magazine/journal issue
one whole scene from a play
one whole paper from a set of conference proceedings
one whole report of a single case from a volume of judicial proceedings
one short story, poem or play (not exceeding 10 pages in length) from an anthology.
or 10% of the total publication, whichever is greater.
For some titles we can also purchase a second extract; a second chapter or up to 20%.
You can request the same chapter or article for multiple modules, however you must submit a separate digitisation request for each module.
Subject to permission, we can digitise the following for modules from specific courses that include a musical element.
An entire work
Up to 10% of an anthology (by number of works)
Up to 10% of a workbook (by number of pages)
With the permission of the student, a complete dissertation from a UON student can be made available for dissertation modules. Personal information will be redacted.