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Reading List Digitisation

What can be digistised?

Requests can be made for extracts from items held in library stock and items we do not hold in library stock. For extracts we do not hold in stock, we pay an additional copyright fee for use. 

The Digitisation Team can make legal digital copies of the following items:

Book Chapters and Journal Articles 

This service operates under theCopyright Licensing Agency's Higher Education Licence for photocopying and scanning. This is available for all modules. 

Please note, in some instances, often US publications, resources are excluded from our licence, and we are not permitted to digitise. 

Printed Music Works 

This service operates under PMLL’s Higher Education Printed Music Licence. This is only available for courses including a musical element: Acting, Acting for Contemporary and Devised Performance, Drama, Music Production and Popular Music. 

UON Dissertations 

Exemplar dissertations, selected by tutors, can be made available once a signed student permission and copyright declaration form has been received. This is available for all dissertation modules.