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Examples E-I

Example reference formats for different source types

House of Commons and House of Lords Papers examples

These include standard notes and briefing papers (see also Command Papers for White and Green Papers).

Example: in text citation
Policy and funding arrangements for students with disabilities in post-16 education are outlined (Author, Year, Page).

Format: reference  
Author, initial. (Date) Title. SN Number. Place of publication: Publisher.

Example: in text citation  
Policy and funding arrangements for students with disabilities in post-16 education are outlined (Hubble, 2012, p.3).

Example: reference  
Hubble, S. (2012) Support for students with learning difficulties and disabilities in post-16 education in England. SN/SP/6341. London: House of Commons Library.

Note: In the case of briefing papers, use Briefing Paper number instead of SN Number after the title, e.g. Briefing Paper 6899.