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Compiling your reference list

A UON Harvard Guide to your reference list

References list or bibliography?

What is the difference between a references list and a bibliography? 
References list: a list of all the sources that you have cited within your work, presented alphabetically.

Bibliography: a list of everything that you have cited and everything that you have consulted to help improve your understanding of the topic.

Sometimes people use the terms references list and bibliography interchangeably, although strictly speaking they are not the same thing. You should check with your tutor to see if they would prefer to have a references list or a full bibliography.

Make sure that if you have cited something, there is a complete reference to match at the end of your work. References must be listed in alphabetical order by the author’s surname or the name of the creator/company.

Remember: It is good practice to record the reference information required before you start reading and making notes on your source. It means you can easily refer to the material you need, without having to search for it again.