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Inter-Library Loans

Information about the inter-library loan service

How will it be supplied?

Book Chapters and Articles

Book chapters and articles will be delivered electronically to your UON email address. This may be an attached PDF or link to a document that you can download, sometimes with a password provided so you can access it.

For items delivered via the UON library system, you will receive an email from the Inter-Library Loan team titled Document Delivery Notification, with a link to download the resource. The file is available for 30 days and can be downloaded a maximum of 10 times. When you ‘click here’ on the email, the item will be saved to your Downloads folder. This can be accessed via File Explorer on your computer or via Downloads on your browser. Items delivered in this way are also available to download from your library account on NELSON.

Please read and adhere to the copyright notice that accompanies all items delivered in this way.

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Books on Loan

You will be notified via your UON email when your ILL book has arrived. Book loans from another library should be collected from and returned to the Library Help Desk on Level 2 in the Learning Hub, during hours when library staff are available.

Please note that some libraries specify print books are reference only and cannot be removed from the library. In these cases, you will only be able to access the book at UON during staffed hours. Please check when library staff are available before visiting.

Purchased Books

Print books we have purchased for library stock based on your ILL request will be reserved for you. You will be notified when the book is available for collection. This can be renewed and returned in the same way as other library stock.

When an e-book has been purchased, you will be notified via your UON email when this is available to view on NELSON.