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OSCOLA referencing guide

OSCOLA referencing guide

UK Statutes (Acts)

References to Acts are in the short title form. Leave out 'the' from the start of the name and only capitalise major words.


Short Title | Year


Human Rights Act 1998.

Footnote with relevant section and subsection

Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020, s 12(3)(b).


This is the same as the footnote but without the full stop at the end.

If you include all the information (Name of the Act, Year and Section) in the text of your work, you do not need a footnote.

UK Statutory Instruments (SIs)


Title | Year, | SI Year/Number


The Crown Court (Recording and Broadcasting) Order 2020, SI 2020/637.


This is the same as the footnote but without the full stop at the end.

Common Legislation Abbreviations

When you are creating a footnote to a specific part of a Statute, you can use the following abbreviations to pinpoint the relevant part (singular and plural):

Subsection to sub or subsections to subs

Paragraph to para or paragraphs to paras

Part to pt or parts to pts

Schedule to sch or schedules to schs

Regulation to reg or regulations to regs

Rule to r or rules to rr

Article to art or articles to arts


Human Rights Act 1998, s 15(1)(b)

Copyright (Industrial Designs) Rules 1949, SI 1949/2367, reg 4.