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Learning Technology Team

NILE & Other Technology Guides

Information for Staff

Access Collaborate recordings on NILE

Both staff and students can find session recordings within the associated NILE module using the steps below. Sessions are not automatically recorded. Please see the section of the guide, 'Recording a session' for details on how to record a session.

NOTE: Recordings will not be available immediately after the virtual classroom session has ended. It may take some time for the system to encode the video and make it available to watch, depending on the length of the recording.

Go to the Virtual Classroom link on the left-hand menu of the NILE course in order to open the scheduler view.

Open the menu in the top left corner and choose Recordings

Collaborate recordings menu


The list will only include recent recordings. To see earlier recordings, specify a date range using the filter options at the top of the page.

Recording date ranges


The list of recordings will update accordingly. Click on a title to view it in your web browser. If you have allowed downloads for the session, the recording can also be saved to devices for offline viewing.

Recording menu with download option


NOTE: Recordings watched online will include chat messages, but the downloaded versions will only include the main content without chat comments.

Recordings are named by the session title. To better organise your recordings for your students, you may wish to rename them, perhaps by including the topic or week of the session.

From the same Recordings window, use the options menu next to a recording, choose Recording Settings, edit the name and save it.


Access Collaborate session attendance records on NILE

All attendance to a Collaborate session is recorded for later reference. While this does not interlink with the UON attendance system, it may be useful when you wish to record attendance manually.

NOTE: Attendance records are linked to the session. If you delete the session, you will lose access to the attendance records. Consider setting an end date for a session rather than deleting it if you wish to keep attendance records.

Original courses

To view attendance records, go to the Blackboard Collaborate link in the NILE module, select the contextual menu next to the relevant session and choose View reports.

The contextual menu next to a session is labelled Session options

Ultra courses

From the Details and Actions menu, use the contextual menu next to the Collaborate heading to select view room report.

Select the contextual menu next to the relevant session and choose View reports.

Note that ended sessions will no longer be shown until you select previous sessions from the filter at the top of the scheduler.

The filter menu can be located in the main menu of the scheduler.

Choose the View report link relating to the time you are interested in to view the full details.

The option to view report is the last cell of each table row.

Full details will be displayed onscreen. It is also possible to download a spreadsheet with the link Export to CSV.

The export option is under the heading Tools.

Access Collaborate session poll results on NILE

All poll responses during a Collaborate session are recorded for later reference. Each student response is shown on a spreadsheet.

NOTE: Poll results are linked to the session. If you delete the session, you will lose access to the poll results. Consider setting an end date for a session rather than deleting it if you wish to keep poll results.

To view poll results, go to the Virtual classroom link in the NILE module, select the contextual menu next to the relevant session and choose View reports.

The contextual menu next to a session is labelled Session options

Note that ended sessions will no longer be shown until you select previous sessions from the filter at the top of the scheduler.

The filter menu can be located in the main menu of the scheduler.

Choose the poll download icon relating to the time you are interested in. The icon only appears next to sessions which included a poll.

The poll results can be found in the fith column of the table against sessions that included them.

The resultant spreadsheet will show full details of each poll response.

If you require assistance with NILE, please contact LearnTech Support using the NILE Enquiry Form

If you require assistance with PebblePad, please contact PebblePad Support using the PebblePad Contact Form