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Learning Technology Team

NILE Guides

Information for Staff

1. Identify your module-level NILE courses

1.1 Decoding your module-level NILE course IDs

Each module-level NILE course has a unique ID; for example, PHI1001-SUN-2425-S1.

The first part of the course ID is the module code; in this case, PHI1001.

The second part of the course ID is the session code, in this case SUN. SUN (Standard University of Northampton) is a common session code and denotes that the course is delivered on campus here at the University of Northampton.

The third part of the course ID is the academic year; in this case 2425, denoting the academic year 2024/2025.

The final part of the course ID refers to the semester in which the course is taught; in this case S1, semester one.

For more information about NILE course IDs, please see our FAQ:

If there are multiple NILE courses for your module and they all have similar IDs (e.g., PHI1001-SUN-2425-NS1, PHI1001-SUN-2425-S1, and PHI1001-SUN-2425-S12) and it is not clear which one you should be using, please contact the Curriculum Team for more information:

1.2 Requesting NILE course merges

The move to SITS has greatly reduced the need for NILE course merges, but if you still find that your cohort of students is going to be spread across multiple NILE courses, you can contact your Student Records Team to request that these NILE courses are merged together so that you have one NILE course which contains your complete cohort.

To request a merge you will need to tell Student Records which course you want to be the parent course (i.e., the course that you will actually be using for teaching and learning), and which course(s) you want to be merged into the parent (these are known as the child courses). For example, If I had apprenticeship students they would be enrolled on an AUN version of a NILE course, so in this case I may want to merge PHI1001-AUN-2425-S1 (the child course) into PHI1001-SUN-2425-SI (the parent). The merge process simply feeds the enrolments from the child courses into the parent course, meaning that you can have one NILE course for the whole cohort.

You can contact your Student Records Team to request NILE course merges at:

2. Identify your NILE programme-level course

As well as NILE courses for each of your modules, there is also a programme-level course for your programme.

There is usually only one programme-level course per programme per academic year, and all students studying on that programme are enrolled on it (single and joint honours, full and part time, all years of study). However, top-up courses will usually have a separate programme-level course. If you plan to teach your top-up students alongside your other students you may want to merge your top-up course into your main programme-level course.

Programme-level NILE course IDs have two parts to them and are in the following format: BAHHISTY-2425

The first digits of the ID denote the type of the programme, with the most common of these being: BAH (BA); BSC (BSc); BEN (BEng); FDA (FdA); FDS (FdSc); MA (MA); MSC (MSc). The remaining digits denote the particular programme, in this case HISTY = History. As with module-level NILE courses, the final part of the course ID denotes the academic year in which the course is delivered.

3. Enrol yourself onto your courses

Staff are not automatically added to the courses on which they are teaching, so you will need to add yourself to your module-level and programme-level NILE courses by selecting the 'Enrol as a Tutor on your Modules' link on the NILE Institution Page. You can find more information about this process on our FAQ:

4. Design and build your NILE course

Once you are enrolled on your NILE course, you will want to create a course structure using learning modules and folders. When this is done, you can then add teaching and learning content and activities, and assessment submission points. You can re-order and re-organise your course structure and the location of your course content within your course once it has been added, but it is much easier to plan the structure in advance than to re-organise your course later on.

4.1 Review the NILE Design Standards

The NILE Design Standards contain information and guidance on how to set out your NILE course, and detail the University's expectations and minimum standards for all NILE courses.

For more information, please see our guide:

4.2 Create a course structure and add content and activities to your NILE course

You can create a course structure by using content containers, in particular, learning modules and folders:

Once you have a structure in place, you can then create and add content to your course:

As well as providing high-quality resources for your students, it is also important to devise activities which encourage your students to engage with those resources and with the theories, practices and ideas they encounter. More information about this is provided by Learning and Teaching Enhancement:

4.3 Copy content from your old NILE course into your new NILE course

If you are planning to reuse teaching and learning materials from an existing NILE course, you may want to copy these across into your new course. Provided it is done carefully and in line with the guidance provided by the Learning Technology Team, the course copy process is an effective way of quickly populating a new NILE course with content from a previous iteration of the course.

Guidance on the course copy process is available from:

Please note that assignment submission points should not be copied from one course into another, as they will not work properly in the new course. Assignment submissions points should always be created from new each year.

4.4 Check the accessibility of your course content

All content available to students in NILE courses must meet the 2018 Accessibility Regulations. You can find more about how to make sure that your NILE course content is accessible in our guide:

4.5 Create an introductory video

If you have not already done so, you may like to make your own video introduction to your module or programme. This could be a talking head video in which you give a friendly introduction to your module. Or, it could be a screencapture-with-voiceover video in which you give your students a tour of your NILE course so that they know where everything is. Or you could do both. Either way, shorter is better – a couple of minutes or so is ideal. Videos can be recorded and uploaded into NILE courses using Kaltura: 

4.6 Add your contact information

In your NILE course you should include information about the key people who may need to be contacted by students enrolled onto your module. Ideally, there will be a photo and contact details, along with how to make an appointment, and information such as office hours. In an Ultra course, contact information should be available to students within 'About this module' at the top of the course content area.

Contact information for all core University services is provided via the ‘Assist’ tab in the main NILE navigation menu, and is updated and maintained centrally, therefore this information does not need adding into individual Ultra courses. Staff may like to advise their students of this in their NILE courses. Additionally, the 'Assist' tab is promoted to NILE users on the NILE Institution Page (the NILE landing page).

4.7 Check your reading list

Your NILE course will already contain a link to the reading list in the template, inside the 'About this module' learning module at the top of the course. The reading list link in the template will automatically connect to the correct Leganto reading list. More information about using and updating your reading list is available at:

4.8 Set up your assessment submission points 

Assignment submission points should not be copied across from the previous year’s NILE course as they may not copy correctly. It is important to set up new versions of all assignment submission points in your NILE course each year. Assignment submission points should be created inside the 'Assessment and submission' learning module.

5. NILE induction guide for students

If your students are new to NILE, you may like to include a link to the Learning Technology Team's NILE Introduction, Help & Support page for students in your module or programme-level NILE course. This will help new students to understand more about how NILE works, and includes information about the following:

  • What is NILE?
  • Logging in to NILE
  • Finding your way around NILE
  • Personalising your NILE profile
  • Accessing your NILE courses
  • Understanding how a NILE course works
  • Accessing content in NILE in alternative formats
  • Submitting your assignments on NILE
  • Improving your digital skills
  • More information, help and support with NILE

You can add a link in your course to the NILE induction guide using the web link tool:

6. Preview your course and release it to your students

By default, new NILE courses are unavailable to students, so you will need to make your course available in order for them to see it. However, before making your course available it's a good idea to check how the course will appear to students by using the Student Preview feature built into the Blackboard interface.

It is important to make sure that all of your NILE courses are available prior to your students starting, otherwise they may believe that they have not been correctly enrolled onto their programme and modules.

7. More help and support

  • Advice and guidance about creating good NILE courses is available from your learning technologist.
  • Staff looking for additional guidance about creating effective Ultra courses are encouraged to book a NILE Ultra Course Development Workshop.
  • The University's Ultra demonstration course, CRIT101, is available for all staff to view in NILE, under the Organisations tab:

If you require assistance with NILE, please contact LearnTech Support using the NILE Enquiry Form

If you require assistance with PebblePad, please contact PebblePad Support using the PebblePad Contact Form