Before your students can start using PebblePad, you need to have the following things set up in this order:
You are required to give your Learning Technologist a minimum of TWO WEEKS’ notice of the date you will be introducing PebblePad to your students.
To release your workbooks to your students you first need to have an assignment created. See the "creating assignments" guidance below.
Student accounts:
PebblePad is not linked with any of the other university systems, therefore your Learning Technologist will manually create the student accounts for you. Please use the following process to ensure data is accurate and can be processed efficiently.
1) Obtain a spreadsheet FROM THE STUDENT RECORD TEAM in the following format.
2) Check the names to ensure you have the correct information.
3) Email the Excel spreadsheet (which came from student records) to your Learning Technologist.
4) Tell your Learning Technologist THE DATE you are introducing PebblePad to the students. The accounts need to be set up less than 24 hours before the students are required to use it.
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | Column 5 | Column 6 |
Student Number | First name | Familiar name | Surname | personal email | UON email |
5) Once your Learning Technologist has confirmed the accounts are set up, you can send an announcement via NILE advising students to look out for the email from PebblePad including checking the junk folder.
Do not create your own table and fill in the details yourself. The data the Learning Technology Team receive must be from a report that the students records team have run.
Your Learning Technologist will create the workspace for you. The workspace will be named according to the Module ID or the Subject area, with the cohort start month and year in brackets. e.g. EDU1026 (Sept 18) or Nursing (Sept 18). Whole subject workspaces will be used for the duration of the programme. Assignments for year 1, year 2 and year 3 will all be set up in the same workspace.
You will be added to the workspace and it is your responsibility to add your colleagues as managers. See ‘How to add colleagues to an ATLAS workspace’.
You can then create your submission points and add your workbook as a resource. See ‘Creating assignments' and 'adding resources’.
These instructions take you through setting up the first assignment for the workspace and for all additional assignments, it will say Create an assignment, then you can skip down to the settings in the table.
1) Log in to PebblePad, and click the blue circle icon from the top toolbar to enter ATLAS.
2) Click the name of your workspace to open it.
3) Click Management, then Assignments.
4) Click Use multiple assignments.
5) For the default assignment type 'Delete me' as the title and leave the description blank.
6) Click Continue.
7) Follow the settings in the table below for your assignment and please ask your Learning Technologist about anything you are not sure about.
Option | What to choose |
Choose an assignment type | Member submissions |
Submission Viewer |
Submission Viewer 2 |
Title | Identical to the title of the corresponding workbook. |
Description | Leave blank |
Submission locking | Leave unticked |
Submission versioning | Leave unticked |
Work can be submitted any time after | Do not change * |
Work cannot be submitted after | Set the submission deadline (can be added later if dates are not yet known). |
Unless this late submission date is set | Allow a 2-week buffer after the deadline. |
Work already submitted can be modified until | The same as 'work cannot be submitted after'. Make sure date and time match. |
Maximum number of submissions per user | Do not change (must be 1) |
Which types of submissions should be accepted? |
Do you want to prevent users from removing their submissions? | tick Prevent users from removing their submissions |
8) Save your assignment.
9) Click the rubbish bin icon to delete the 'delete me' assignment.
10) Tick and click Continue.
Resources include Templates and Workbooks. The following example shows you how to add a Workbook to your workspace.
Make sure you're logged in with your Admin account (also referred to as a resource account). If you do not have the log in details please ask your colleagues or your Learning Technologist.
Before adding your workbook to the workspace, you must make a copy of the MASTER:
The copied version will appear at the top of your list of resources. This may take a moment and you may need to refresh the page. Do not repeat the process thinking it hasn't done it.
Once you have your workbook for the new cohort, you can go to ATLAS and into the relevant workspace.
There are a few settings that need to be completed so that the resource (workbook) is successfully attached to the assignment:
Option | What option to choose |
How would you like to refer to this resource | Refer to this resource on the Workspace using its existing title and description |
Would you like to prompt the user to auto-submit the workbook when saved? | YES |
Choose an assignment to publish the resource to | Select the assignment that matches the name of your workbook |
Would you like other people to use this resource on their workspaces? | No |
Would you like to allow a user to complete this Workbook in ATLAS? | No |
If you want to make any further edits to the resource settings click on the orange cog to the right of the resource.
If you want to delete the resource then click on the rubbish bin.
You can also add further resources to the panel by clicking on the Add a resource button and following the previous steps.
When finished click Save and then the Back button at the top left of the Edit panel.
Do not make any edits to a live workbook! Once the workbook is accessed by students and they've started working on it, any changes can result in students and assessors losing their entries
Log in to PebblePad. From the homepage, click the Blue Circle icon located on the toolbar along the top to enter ATLAS. Under Workspaces I am managing you will see all your workspaces. Click on the workspace you want to add a colleague to:
Once you are in the correct workspace, click on the Management tab and then on the Managers sub-tab. You will see the Add a manager button, click to bring up the Add Manager search box:
(If you do not see all these buttons, then you are not a lead tutor and you will not be able to add a colleague.)
Your colleague must already have an existing PebblePad account in order to show up in any search you perform. Contact your Learning Technologist to create new PebblePad accounts for UON staff.
When you have saved, it will take you back to the Managers screen. You can set the role you want for your colleague by clicking on the relevant box:
Click Management, then feedback.
Press the 'Create collection' button to enter a collection of statements related to the learning outcomes, to be used for giving feedback. These may be to address common issues students have and details from marking schema or rubric. You can create several different collections. See the Feedback and grades section below for information on using a PebblePad Rubric.
The next tab along is 'feedback settings' where you can control when feedback is released. Please refer to the table below, to ensure you have the correct settings.
When assignment is playing | ||
Let the assessor decide |
Pre-set the most likely choice the assessor will make. See the feedback and grades section at the bottom of this screen for more information. |
When assignment is paused | ||
Let the assessor decide |
Pre-set the most likely choice the assessor will make. See the feedback and grades section at the bottom of this screen for more information. |
Would you like to stop assessors from recalling their feedback once it is released? | ||
No | Assessors can recall their own feedback after it has been released to the Asset owner. | |
Would you like to enable feedback comments? | ||
Yes | You will be able to add feedback comments. | |
Would you like to anonymise peer feedback in Pebble+ when released to the submission author(s)? |
No | We do not use this feature at UoN | |
Would you like to anonymise assessor feedback in Pebble+ when released to the submission author(s)? |
No | It is imperative that we have evidence of assessor feedback. Please do not change this without first checking with your learning technologist. | |
Would you like to provide custom help for assessors when they create or edit their feedback? | ||
Yes / No |
Pick 'yes' to provide assessors with very specific information about how to leave feedback. This is useful if you have lots of different assessors responsible for different aspects. Type your instructions in the text box that appears. Pick 'No' if you don't need this. |
Finally, press 'Save'.
Do this if you are using the capability / evidence rosettes workbook.
Go to the Capability Settings tab.Would you like to enable capability approvals? Yes
You can enter bespoke statements for each of the three categories, or you may choose to leave the default statements.
Do not make any changes to any of the other settings.
If these settings do not meet your requirements, you will need to discuss them with your Learning Technologist.
When the date and time set on the assignment elapses, anything the student does on their workbook will not be shown on their submission. A snapshot is created and you will only see the workbook as it was at that exact date and time. However, if students need longer and you grant them an extension, their additional work will be visible. Do not use the date picker to view their updates, they will show automatically.
To set an assignment extension for a student:
Locate the assignment(s) that you need to provide an extension for. In the Actions column of the assignment there is a button with an icon of a calendar with a person (if you point your mouse arrow over it, the words Manage extensions appear) - click this icon to Manage extensions:
When setting extensions you need to put in the number of days required for an extension (rather than entering a date).
You will see the message The extension(s) were successfully added. Click the Back button on screen to go back to the Management - Assignments page.
PebblePad submissions are on-going, progressive pieces of work. At the beginning of the module or programme, students submit their blank workbook and fill in it over a certain period of time. Staff are able to access students' work as they progress.
Assessor fields are used by staff involved with assessing the student's work. This is any University of Northampton staff member who is a manager on the workspace or a mentor out on practice -with whom the student has shared their workbook. Assessor fields form part of the workbook and are identified by the label at the top saying Assessor Field, as shown in the image below. On the Assessor Field label, you will see a yellow circle with an exclamation mark to indicate content known as "feedback" has not been released meaning the student cannot see it. A green arrow indicates feedback has been released to the student for them to see.
After an assessor enters content into the assessor field, they must scroll to the bottom of the page to press save. And, depending on the feedback settings, they may or may not have the option to release feedback at that point. See Feedback Settings above for more information.
Although submission viewer 2 is the default setting for new assignments, for older workbooks please do not use this unless it has been discussed with your learning technologist as you may need to redesign your workbooks to make these compatible. |
Submission Viewer 2 (SV2) provides new feedback and assessment tools. It can be enabled per assignment within a workspace.
It offers a number of improvements over the original Submission Viewer including:
* To make use of this feature you will need to turn it on in your feedback settings in ATLAS. (See below for instructions)
When setting up your assignment, you will have the option to pick Submission Viewer 2. Within one workspace, both original and new versions can be in use at the same time on two different assignments.
Where your permissions allow (e.g. Lead Tutor), to select Submission Viewer 2 for an assignment, from within the workspace go to:
Below: Submission Viewer 2 option in the assignment settings.
The option to 'Allow block-level feedback in Submission Viewer 2' is in 'Management', 'Feedback'.
You will need to tick 'Yes' - Assessors can add feedback to blocks inside a submission'.
When the option is enabled, each user box can be used to add feedback as below:
Feedback text or attachments are added to the right sidebar. Tutors have the option to 'Save and Hold' or 'Save and release' for each box.
Once feedback is added a speech box icon shows a number depicting feedback items added.
The sidebar shows each feedback item entered, its released state, and a 'jump to location' button at the bottom.
Tutors and mentors can also add feedback to either the page or whole workbook by selecting the option 'I want to', 'Add feedback'.
Below: Feedback can be added to the page by ticking the box 'Save on this page'.
Some older assignments will look like this. (see above about SV2 if yours looks different.) When viewing a student's submitted workbook, you will see the feedback toolbar located in the top-right-hand corner. From the left-hand side, the first button in the ⓘ information button. This will tell you the title of the workbook, when it was created, modified and submitted, and the student's name.
The second button along is for comments and the third is for feedback.
The icon that looks like a thumbs-up, represents Page Verification. This is an advanced set of features not discussed in these guides as no one is currently using them.
The next icon along looks like a graph. You will only see this if you have progress tracking enabled. This feature is part of the workbook properties available inside the workbook builder. When enabled, a tick box is shown at the bottom of each page for students to tick, to indicate they've completed it. When you click this icon, you will see which pages the student has ticked as completed. In the submissions area, you will see a percentage based on how many pages the student has ticked.
The icon on the right, which looks like a printer, is for anyone who wants to convert the workbook to a PDF file, to save it or print it.
Rubrics are a specific building block and must not be confused with a table. To use it as described here, it must be an 'assessor only' field.
Click any of the boxes in the rubric to select it. It will turn blue and show a small tick. If you change your mind click another box to change your selection. You cannot choose two boxes on the same row.
It is advised that you have at least one student field on the same page as a rubric to ensure they open the page and look at it.
Rubrics can also be used to give ongoing feedback to students.
The rubric can be used to add feedback at a a particular moment in time and then further feedback can also be added at a later date. Once boxes have been selected, a tick appears and this can then be saved using the save and release option.
To add further feedback, select the 3 dots next to the green 'released' icon and then select 'Edit Existing Feedback'.
Select the parts of the rubric to add further feedback and then select 'save and release'.
Note: If your External Moderator already has a PebblePad account, you may find it had been set up as a mentor account, in which case you can add them to your list of 'Externals', again making sure they can view all sets.
If you require assistance with NILE, please contact LearnTech Support using the NILE Enquiry Form
If you require assistance with PebblePad, please contact PebblePad Support using the PebblePad Contact Form