NELSON (which stands for Northampton Electronic Library Search ONline) can be used to search the library’s books, e-books, e-journals, videos, databases and more. You can think of it a bit like a catalogue, or a search engine, that can be used to browse the resources you can access during your studies.
Problems with NELSON are rare and often something else is causing the issue. This is a guide to help you problem solve what might be happening. We always put up a notice when we know there is an issue. To check if there are any known service issues with NELSON or other University services, always check at the LLS homepage first.
Now you have checked the homepage to see if there is an issue, work through these steps by pressing the 'next' button when you have finished each step. At any time, click 'Help at any step' to contact us. It's really helpful to us if you let us know what step you are at and take a screen shot. It helps us to give you the right advice and help the first time and get you right back on with your studies as quickly as possible.