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A guide to using the RefWorks reference management software.

Creating reference lists

RefWorks can be used to create fully written references in a range of different referencing styles. This can be used to write individual references, a reference list or bibliography. For styles using individual references in footnotes or endnotes you should create each reference individually and copy and paste them into the footnote/endnote. For styles requiring a reference list you should select any sources you've cited and create a longer list. For a bibliography you should select all materials you've consulted from your RefWorks account and create a long list.

1. Use the tickbox to select the reference/s you need from the 'All References' section of your RefWorks account or from a folder you've created

2. Click 'Create Bibliography' and 'Create Bibliography' from the top bar

3. Select the reference style you're using (you can search by the name of the referencing style)

3. Click 'Copy to Clipboard' and paste the reference/s into your document

4. When pasting into your document make sure that you've selected the Past option 'Keep Source Formatting' to make sure the reference/s are formatted correctly (italics etc.).