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A guide to using the RefWorks reference management software.

Saving webpages

You may often use webpages from different organisations as part of your search. You can add webpages to your RefWorks account using the 'Save to RefWorks' plugin on your browser. 

Installing the RefWorks browser plugin

1. Log into your RefWorks account

2. Click 'Tools' on the top bar and click 'Tools' from the drop-down menu

3. Click 'Install Save to RefWorks' and follow the instructions provided to install the RefWorks browser plugin.

Saving webpages

1. Go the webpage that you want to add to RefWorks

2. Click the 'Save to RefWorks' bookmark on your browser

3. A section will open to check and edit the details of the webpage

4. RefWorks will often identify some information about the webpage automatically, check these and edit if necessary. Then check and add in any missing fields by clicking them and typing in the correct information

5. When finished click 'Save to RefWorks'.


When to use this option

The 'Save to RefWorks' plugin is best used when you have a number of webpages that you need to add your RefWorks account. If you only need to add a small number it is often easiest to create the references manually. The plugin can be particularly useful for online reports, blog posts and online newspaper articles.

Many websites will not have labelled their pages in a way that RefWorks can read correctly to identify the details needed for a reference. For this reason you should take particular care to check, edit and correct the reference details before saving it to your RefWorks account.